Alive and Alight

Emotional Empowerment

Rediscover the JOY in your life.
Reignite the flame of LOVE
Reclaim vibrancy and vitality

Learn how to regulate and elevate your emotions to CREATE, LIVE and LOVE your life FULLY

8 week course starts Feb 6th 2024

We’d all like to FEEL more JOY, LOVE and FULFILMENT in our lives right? And we chase this as a future goal, spending time and money on our physical wellbeing with exercise and nutrition....and mental wellbeing with meditation and mindfulness...and nowadays also on our spiritual needs... hoping we'll FEEL better soon. And yet how much attention do we pay to our emotional wellbeing? Could you CHOOSE to FEEL joy NOW!?Emotions are the essence of our human-ness...and yet finding emotional balance can be pretty challenging. We are either overwhelmed by our feelings and stuck in “negative” feeling states or, at the other end of the stick, shutting down and disconnecting from our emotions.
THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU if you find yourself:
> unable to feel real joy in life, just fleeting moments of some happiness
> overwhelmed, derailed or distracted by emotions
> easily triggered by or taking on others emotions
> get stuck in and find it hard to move out of lower emotional states.
> feel numb, dull or disconnected from yourself and others
> indecisive and not in tune with your own needs and wants.

Become a master of your emotions, and the master creator of your life

This program will guide you to create more HAPPINESS, HARMONY and HEALTH, as you learn to embrace your emotions and flow WITH them (not suppress or work AGAINST them), to navigate the curveballs of life with more easeBENEFIT from more LOVING relationships, improved WELLBEING, POSITIVE mental states and increased FULFILMENT as you align more easily with your purpose and values, and own internal wisdom and guidanceYou'll learn to:

  • Understand the nature of emotions - the physiology and energy concepts; develop a relationship with and welcome all emotions, even the uncomfortable ones; embody emotions; process and self regulate emotions; release old trapped emotions

  • Set healthy boundaries to stop taking on others "stuff"; become free of being triggered by others emotions; recognise and release energies that aren't yours; open to the inherent wisdom of your emotions; deepen your intuition; improve decision-making

  • understand the body-mind connection and how to move into elevated emotional states; harness the power of emotions and energy to create and manifest your desires using ADVANCED manifestation technique.

This is both a learning and experiential container. You will gain insights, knowledge and wisdom from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, human potential and emotional intelligence.
PLUS practical and proven tools to support you to process and manage your emotions
PLUS four one-on-one sessions with me to anchor in the learnings, frequencies and clear any energies/emotions as needed;
PLUS a supportive, interactive group container

Everything is vibration, energy, frequency

Our thoughts and beliefs help shape our reality, AND it is our info-feeling states that are broadcast to the Universe (Quantum energy field) and which create resonance to attract like experiences to us.

Kath Brannan is an experienced and certified Transformational coach and healer who has supported countless clients to release their past and reclaim their most meaningful life of JOY, LOVE and FULFILMENT

FIND OUT MORE - Click the C (Calendly) link below to book a call, or email or Messenger me for further details.
BOOK YOUR PLACE - Click on the Google DOC icon to register.
I can't wait to support your JOY-full journey to a blissful life.